So, here are the latest of the random things in my life.

These are some of the cherry tomatoes that have finally grown in my balcony garden. There are lots of little and big tomatoes growing, I just hope they'll turn red before the cold hits and the plants die. They were sooo sweet :).

This was me in Wonju visiting Lisa. This was the weekend I went to Seoul to buy some food from the international market and then left Seoul on Saturday to go spend some time with friends. I'll be staying away from Seoul for a while... so many memories...

Lisa and her cute boyfriend Anthony. They are awesome together. I love couples that got it right.

Abby loving her new bed.

Venturing out on my scooter.

Abby loves to stretch :)

She likes her little tunnel too.

My first meal after I came back from Canada. The greens came from my own garden.

My giant tomato plants.

Green beans. Sooo delicious. Don't even have to cook them, just cut up and add to salad.

My first little red bell pepper. It was tiny but very VERY sweet. My pepper plant is currently making 4 other little peppers.

These were some couch surfers that came to my house before I went to Canada. They were from France. Really really nice people. They were all teachers and were on vacation.

I've rearranged my spices and things in my kitchen. This stuff is for cereal in the morning: Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts (now changed to almonds), cereal, Musli, flax seeds and bananas. I also add yogurt and soy milk and regular milk. It's a super duper healthy breakfast.

My one spice rack in the kitchen.

My other scpices that are in the cupboard. It's so much more organized now.