Funky reflection of the plane

Well, since I was on my own, these are the only kinds of pics I can really take. So this is me on an elephant :)

Huuuuuuge palm trees. WOW!!

That's me, holding on for dear life as the driver jumped off to take a picture.

I was trying to get on the elephants head. She didn't really care much.

This is on a crazy boat going to Phi Phi island where they filmed that movie "The Beach" with Leonardo DiCaprio. I never thought I would get sea sick, but damn, that was one bumpy ride.

The sand was sooo fine. Unbelievable.

A strange fruit... looks cool

Reggae bar. There are many everywhere.

Patong beach. Palms and white sand... soo beautiful.

I asked someone to take a pic of me. Am wearing all clothes I bought there. Super comfy stuff.

Feet shot.

My two piece swim suite. Was hard to find my size but finally found one.

See my tan?

I had a freaking huuuuge cockroach in my room. Freaked me out. Well, you can see my shoe and the size of that thing. Took me like 20 minutes to corner it, spray it with insecticide and squash it. Damn thing.

On another boat.

This was on Coral Island where I went scuba diving. Soo beautiful I didn't want to leave.

Me getting ready for para sailing. That was one tiny vest.

Of we go.. wheeeeee :D

Some little shrine. That's as much sightseeing I saw in Thailand. I went for the beach and the shopping there :).
Sand art. I was bored and thought I'd make something, this is what it turned out :)
Again me on the beach. Ooooh, soooo nice :)
In the airport in Phuket. Foot diaries. I should make a whole album of foot shots :)
Tuk tuk in Bangkok. Those things are soo unsafe but they still drive faster than the cars.
Me and my flying hair in the tuk tuk.
The weekend market in Bangkok. Super cheap and nice shopping. I spent all day there and bought sooooo many nice things :D.
Nice. N I C E ! ! ! !
And you look SO much better with longer, fluffy hair. Keep it!
Next time you should take somebody with you (to pay your trip, of course!) and go inland.
Did you find some nice art objects?
Nice pictures, nice places, nice faces, nice clothes, nice feet (?!), nice comments. Wooooaaaa!
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