I'm sure for some it just seems normal and natural to pick something that interests you and that you think you are good at.
It's normal, you go to school, study for something, go look for jobs, and what you find, you just go and work and try to move up and get more money and more benefits.
But that's not normal.
It's not normal for me.
I don't really care about a job, or a career. I do know I need to make money to sustain the lifestyle I want, but I don't really care what I do as long as I don't have to exhaust myself and put all my energy into it and then have none left to actually enjoy my life.
I don't think working everyday for the rest of my life is a successful life.
I don't think working everyday for the rest of my life is a good life.
I don't think working everyday for the rest of my life will leave me feeling fulfilled and feeling like I've accomplished something with my life.
I won't feel proud of myself, and confident and learn about myself because all I'd be doing is something irrelevant.
So, how do you choose what to do when you don't really care about what to do?
A job for me is a means to an end. It's for the money.
I know I have to do it, and luckily I've learned what will make me happy and the kind of life I want for myself.
Working isn't it, so I've got to prepare myself for the time when I won't be working.
I'm almost ready to start preparing :).

1 comment:
hey i've never commented before...i like this post...i think about this all the time...and i wonder if i'm closer/close to finding my career...because i imagine a great life of doing what you want and enjoying it and being well paid for it...i know it happens to some so i know it can happen to me...that's why i stay optimistic and don't want babies :)
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