I still have about 1 hour to wait until boarding time.
This is the first time I've brought my laptop with me outside of my home. It's quite amazing. This is what it's actually intended for, not to just sit on my desk at home.
I've got free wireless, although I could do the same with my new Kindle :). That little machine is amazing as well.
I'm feeling pretty sad though. My sister and we went our separate ways today at 12:30. She went to take a bus tour of Downtown Seoul. I had to go take the subway to the bus terminal to go to the airport. Very anticlimactic. I didn't cry there. I didn't really have time. I could feel the tears coming. Thankfully the bus came she had to go and get on. But from noon until now, 4:17pm, I've felt tears trying to come through.
It was so nice to have her here. I miss that kind of caring and love and attention and sharing and closeness.
Well, Skype is always there and we can always talk.
It was just so nice to have her there, even though it was for a very short time.
Love you sis.

1 comment:
Hi sis,
Stiu, si eu am fost trista dupa ce ne-am despartit pentru ca timpul petrecut impreuna a fost asa de fain. Mi-a placut din nou sa te vad, sa vorbim si ma bucur ca am putut sa te ajut. Sunt curioasa daca o sa continui cu schimbarile din apartamentul tau cand te intorci acasa, daca ti-ai pastrat 'look'-ul ala fain si feminin, daca iti mai impletesti parul sau daca te-ai intors la cum erai tu inainte.
Si mie mi-a placut mult in Corea si faptul ca ne-am plimbat impreuna si dupa cum am spus, daca mai stai 3-4 ani acolo, poate mai vin o data la tine.
Love you,
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