Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Western Food

It's the end of the month again.

As usual, I'm down to no money.

This month I'm also down to no food. No fresh food that is.

It's been some time since I was able to just buy something that I really wanted to eat. Something healthy, something delicious, something that reminded me of home, something western.

It's the end of the month again.

On Friday I'm getting paid, and I have to decide how much money I will invest on food for this month.

I have to decide how many wester/expensive things I will indulge in this month.

Will I buy some cheese? Some sour cream? Some dill pickles?

What I would really like is some pudding. Some delicious vanilla pudding. And some salami. Oh...

I would like to make healthy food a priority.

I would like not to feel sad when I look in my fridge.

I would like not to feel homesick when I think about good food.


All of this is my choice.

For now, I can just close my eyes and fantasize about walking into a big grocery store in Canada with a big shopping cart, $100 in my pocket and an appetite. Walking up and down the isles, looking at all the variety of awesome things, the yogurt, the meat, the cheese, the fresh produce, the snacks, the junk on the impulse racks. The colourful boxes and packages. The sale price tags. The samples in the bakery area. The people with super full carts. The people picking through the produce for the best and least bruised. The misters spraying the veggies to stay fresh.

All those wonderful things that I used to take for granted.

I can just dream for now :).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Salut soro,

I forgot you still have this blog, haha. So now that I remembered and saw everything you've written in the meantime, I want to write back. :-)

Interesant ce fel de probleme ai acolo. Adica, faptul ca mancarea sau mai bine zis, lipsa de mancare din west este asa o raritate si un lux. Chiar si dupa experienta mea din Corea, parca imi vine greu sa percep si sa inteleg asa de bine problema asta. Poate daca mergeam la cumparaturi de mancare impreuna, ma izbeam si eu de situatia asta. Interesant ca in timp ce tu visezi mancare vestica, eu visez despre experienta mea in Corea si timpul petrecut acolo cu tine, si ma gandesc la toate experientele noi, la toate curiozitatile care le-am intalnit, la cat de mult m-au trezit la viata si mi-au pus neuronii din nou in functiune. :-) Thumbs up for culture shock, I guess!

Te pup,
