Monday, September 5, 2011

Wonderful weekend

Ok, so on Friday, I got my end of year bonus, which was REALLY NICE :). Also, one of my friends bought an identical motorcycle to mine, so we went for a little ride around the area. I felt like I was in a little motorcycle gang :). Then we went to a really nice restaurant and had a super delicious Duck BBQ, after which I went back home and made myself pretty to go out to Sokcho and party it up. Hadn't been out clubbing since New Years. I took a taxi there and shared it with my motorcycle gang buddy, which was really nice. The cab driver put on a tape with English music, and we had some drinks in the back. At the bar, I had some wine, then some vodka, met some really nice people, and danced like a wild woman :). Friday night I stayed over at a friends house in Sokcho, and early in the morning at 7am, we woke up and went to another town to do some free kayaking in Hongcheon. We didn't end up doing any kayaking, but I met a whole bunch of new people, ate lots of good food, drank a lot, hung out on some rocks on a river all day and socialized. In the evening we drank some really delicious strawberry and kiwi Maccoli (Korean rice drink), met some Koreans through a somewhat wild Truth or Dare game, went to a singing room and had a wonderful time. We all slept over on the floor at a friends house. Sunday morning, after coffee, pizza and some shopping I left and got back home where I chilled out and enjoyed a very relaxing Sunday. What a fantastic weekend :)

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