I just finished my 3rd class. I messed up the middle!!!
My introduction was great, the questions were good, the pictures worked great...
and then comes the grammar!!!
I mumbled and fumbled...
as soon as I went into the pair work and speaking activity it was great!
This was my first time teaching a tense and even though it was something pretty easy: present simple, I messed it up.
Not completely I guess, just the procedure. They did get it, and they were able to tell me the proper way of saying things which was great.
But still. I was pretty mad at myself for messing it up.
So, first assignment is done. It took a long time!! It was difficult. I'll probably get it back and have to do it again. But I learned a lot. Grammar is terrible. And very difficult to teach. But I managed, and they got it, not very gracefully, but it was just the first time. And they had fun too. :)
So, today I'm not doing any more work. Tomorrow I'm thinking of going to get a haircut in the morning if I wake up early enough.
So yes, there you go :).

1 comment:
Salut soro,
Am observat ca si gramatica ta cateodata e cam 'shakey', la fel ca si ortografia... :-)
Interesant ca atunci cand predam eu engleza in Germania sau dadeam meditatii, gramatica mi se parea cea mai usoara. Mai tii minte metodele care le folosea Ioana cand faceam meditatii cu ea? Ei, for some reason, they really stuck with me si acum folosesc si eu aceleasi metode ca mi se par asa de usoare de explicat si de ilustrat pe tabla. :-)
In fine, sper ca intre timp ai invatat si tu o metoda care sa iti fie folositoare cand predai gramatica engleza.
Te pup,
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