I think people are attracted to people who are happy, or can easily fake happiness.
How can you fake happiness you ask?
Fake it. People are loud, exaggerate, behave over-the-top.
But faking it doesn't take you far, because people always see through it in the end.
Or, like me, just don't interact with people. Be quiet, retreated, introverted.
I know that's not me. It's just a coping mechanism.
When I'm in a different place (not in Korea), I'm incredibly outgoing and friendly and HAPPY!
Why am I happy there and not here? What about this place makes me unhappy.
I don't think I like being in a place for such a long time. Especially not having people around to hang out with.
It's been over 3.5 years now. And I'll be here another year. Hopefully my last year.
I hope I get out of this head space soon...

1 comment:
Sper sa ma mai suni cand vrei/simti nevoia sa vorbim. Mi-ar place si mie chiar daca cateodata nu prea am timp sa vorbesc.
Sper sa te simti mai bine in curand si timpul care il mai ai in Corea sa il folosesti la max si sa fi productiva, de ex: working out.
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