After being in Thailand, and actually, after repeated traveling and meeting a variety of people with whom I've been able to develop over a pretty short time a really good connection, it's REALLY difficult to interact with people here in my region. I don't share anything with them, I can see right through their fake attitudes and exaggeration and showing off to impress mannerism. There was one person like that on my CELTA course and I just steered clear of her. I didn't feel the need or obligation to interact with her. Why is it here in Korea, in Geojin/Sokcho, that I have to interact and deal with people that I REALLY don't want anything to do with.
I can't stand people who are two faced. AH!

1 comment:
Asta nu o sa te incalzeasca cu nimica, din pacate, but such is life. E greu, oriunde locuiesti, sa intalnesti oameni deschisi si sinceri. Faptul ca tu ai intalnit atat de multi pana acuma este amazing, at best. Eu cred ca are de aface si cu locul, adica fiecare oras/tara atrage un anumit soi de oameni si din cauza aia poate iti place asa de mult in Tailanda.
Ce zici?
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