I've learned:
- to let go of things that happened in the past
- to not rely on technology
- how rude it is to be on the phone when together with others
- that when faced with a seemingly impossible task, to just break it down into small managable parts and then everything is doable
- to really appreciate the little things
- to listen to my body
- to trust and stop secondguessing my decisions
- that everything I do is my choice, that I make the decisions and thus have to live with the consequences
- that I have to do what is good for myself
- that being alone is good for my mind
- that being with other people is necessary for my heart
- to be myself no matter what other people think or expect
- that after overcoming a great challenge, it won't be just smooth sailing from there on; there will always be new challenges to face
- to follow my own path and pace
- that I don't need that much food
- that age is not important; it's the mental and emotional growth that really makes a person wiser
- that rest days are important for the body and mind
- that day dreaming is not constructive, but only a distraction from reality
- to trust my instincts
- that I value modesty and a good social ettiquet in people
- to channel my energy towards things I want, not towards things I want to avoid
- to be inspired by people, but not to immitate them
- that I am more alert and energetic in the morning
- that big meals don't help my energy levels
- how important itis to surround myself with people that share similar values as me, but to distance myself from the people that trample all over them
- I am Morning Fire Amazon Ninja
- that everything that happens has a lesson in it; i's not just a bad or good experience
- that change happens all the time, regardless if I rush it or try to delay it; so just enjoy what is happening in the moment
- trust in the way, and it will show itself