This weekend I got my hair cut. I wasn't impressed, but on Sunday I went back and got the hairdresser to fix it.
OK, so, I've been interested in ceramics in some time now. Mainly, I wanted to work with that spinning wheel and make vases and other beautiful things. When I found out about this ''festival'', I immediately found out the details and joined in.
It was only a day trip, and it was with a group from with whom I'd never been with before.
It seemed a bit disorganized and the group leader a bit strange, but I wasn't planning on spending all day with them. I wanted to find the hands on section of the festival and get my hands dirty.
Once we got in Icheon, the town with the festival, we had to wait for a shuttle bus to take us to the beautiful park. We stopped by a Paris Baguette and had some snacks. Naturally, I refrained myself from these carb bombs, but I took some pictures to drool over later.
These are my favorite pastries. Soft dough on the outside, creamy awesomeness on the inside. I realized the reason for my passionate love for these little puffballs. They totally remind me of this ice cream I used to love when I was growing up in Romania. Same wafer texture/taste, and the cream inside tastes exactly like the creamy ice cream. Last time I went back to Romania, I went looking for those childhood memories, but the ice cream that I found there now was a cheap imitation of the richness in flavour that I remember as a child.
In this shop, they were a bit more expensive. Usually, the small ones are 500won, and the big ones are 1,000won. Here, the small ones were 600won and the big ones were 1,400won. I was shocked!! How could they make them so expensive. It didn't make sens. But, my earning was so great that I bought a large one anyways.
Now I understood why it was rightfully priced at 1,400won. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not only was it fresh and incredible as always, BUT!!! it was half filled with cream, and half filled with perfect tasting vanilla custard!! I was in heaven. I think I was making a lot of strange noises when I was eating that, because the other people at my table were looking at me strange. I didn't care! I was enjoying this so much. This store, in this town, is the only place I've ever seen this type of cream puff. That's probably for the best, or I would not be able to stick to my "no carb + no dairy" eating style.
After we got to the park and the festival, I stopped to admire all the beautiful Azelia bushes that had bloomed everywhere. There were pink ones, red ones and white ones everywhere.
I suppose this is the mascot. I'm not sure. It's covered with tiles, which is another thing I'd love to learn to do.
Korean decorated tiles. Very beautiful.
After walking around for an hour, I gave up and went to the information desk and asked someone there if they can help me find the place where I can actually make something on the spinning wheel. Two ladies were very happy to accompany me to the far side of the festival and stay with me, take photos and practice their English.
Here I am, super excited to feel the clay and start shaping it with my hands.
I'm a pro!
It's starting to look more and more like a pretty vase.
And now to make it smooth.
Then he painted the center part.
And finished!! YAY!
Now it's my turn to make a pretty design on it. I had no idea what to do...
This is what turned out.
Now I have to wait for it in the mail.
This is their traditional 4 or 5 chamber quiln where they fire all the pottery.

As I was leaving, I saw a strange statue, and when I got closer, I realized it was the statue of a voluptuous woman. WOW! So un-Korean.
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